After a quick search, you might think that Drivers Education Schools are a dime a dozen. So what separates our course from all the other California Drivers Education Schools out there? A lot, actually--at least we like to think so. For one thing, a lot of California Drivers Education Schools are in classrooms. That means keeping a schedule. But we like to think that convenience is key. So while some California Drivers Education Schools tell you when to come, we ask you to tell us when you want to study. Our philosophy is that California Drivers Education Schools should fit to your schedule, not the other way around. Our industry-leading course can be completed via the internet, streaming video, DVD or workbook. Another thing about most Drivers Education Schools in California is that they're expensive. Not ours. Out of all of the other Drivers Education Schools out there, our course is one of the most affordable. Go on and take a look if you don't believe us. We know there are tons of Drivers Education Schools in California to choose from, but why not choose the best?