Being a good Driver in California doesn't happen overnight. Think about it. What kind of Driver were you when you first got your license in California What about when you got your first California speeding ticket? Your first accident? The fact is that over the years, a Driver can pick up a lot of bad habits, not to mention California speeding tickets or worse. And remember, the California DMV keeps track of each Driver infraction, one point at a time. And pretty soon, your friends will look at your Driver record and say, "man, what a bad Driver!" But it doesn't have to be this way. Our California DMV-approved Driver education course is affordable, fast, and convenient. And with a California Driver education class, you might even be able to take points off your California Driver license. If you're lucky, you might be eligible for a California insurance reduction too! So try a defensive Driver class today, and pretty soon, California will have one more safe Driver on the road! You.